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Construction accidents and sleep loss

On Behalf of | Apr 20, 2020 | Injuries

When it comes to construction accidents, there are many ways in which sleep loss comes into the picture. On the one hand, fatigue and sleep loss cause many of these accidents. Also, many people who are injured in job-related accidents struggle to get the right amount of sleep afterward.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employers in the private sector reported more than two million non-fatal injuries during 2018. Many were in the construction industry and it is crucial for those injured in accidents at work to go over all their options and address sleep problems that develop.

The consequences of fatigue

Whether someone misses sleep for a single night or they regularly have difficulty with getting the right amount of sleep, this is a very concerning issue for people in various trades. For example, those who work with heavy machinery or have to drive while performing their job duties are especially likely to become injured in an accident when they are tired. Workers who are sleep-deprived are more likely to make critical errors and miss hazards that they would have avoided if they were not drowsy. The BLS also provides data that shows construction workers are especially likely to become involved in an accident that forces them to miss a lot of work.

Addressing sleep problems

Uncertainty about one’s future, financial problems resulting from lost wages and medical costs are some of the reasons why the victims of workplace accidents cannot fall asleep or stay asleep. In some instances, speaking to a medical professional helps. Our law firm covers many issues related to recovering from a workplace accident and those who secure workers’ compensation are sometimes able to address sleep disorders they are struggling with.