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What safety risks do you face in parking lots with poor lighting?

On Behalf of | Aug 6, 2021 | Premises Liability

Take a second to think about how many times you’ve found yourself in a dark parking lot. It might have happened as you walked back to your car after you got off work or left a store or club.

If you’re like most people, you likely don’t ever feel 100% safe in a parking lot. You have a valid reason for feeling that way. There are a lot of dangers that lurk in poorly lit parking lots.

Slip, trip and fall hazards often found in parking lots

Property owners must take reasonable steps to maintain the safety of their premises. However, many owners question how far they must go in keeping property they own safe. Most courts would agree that addressing uneven pavement or filling in cracks or potholes so that no one loses their footing in them is a reasonable step that property owners should take. Shoveling snow or melting ice is another responsibility property owners have in the winter.

All of the situations described above can be dangerous in themselves. These hazards become less visible at night, enhancing a person’s risk of getting hurt.

Poor lighting leads to an uptick in accidents and crimes

Inadequate lighting also makes shadows appear where they don’t exist and creates blind spots. These can make it hard for motorists to clearly see what’s in front of them and cause them to crash into someone.

Poor quality lighting also gives would-be criminals the cover of darkness that they prefer to sneak up on unsuspecting crime victims. This is perhaps why parking lots are often where assaults, carjackings, robberies and other violent offenses occur.

Did a poorly lit parking lot contribute to you getting hurt?

Many building owners are aware of how unsafe some areas are on their premises, yet they ignore the concerns, hoping that they won’t cause a serious problem. Fortunately, New Jersey law has premises liability laws on the books that may allow you to hold a property owner liable for their negligence. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with the eligibility requirements for filing a claim in your case.