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Has your speech been impacted after a head injury?

On Behalf of | Jun 15, 2022 | Car Accidents

Road traffic collisions can injure people in numerous ways, but head traumas are typically the most serious type of injury suffered in crashes. Injuries to the head are so severe because this is where the brain is located.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) can affect your ability to move and function on a daily basis. This includes communicating with other people. What are the more common causes of speech difficulties after a head injury?


Dysarthria is a condition that affects the clarity of speech in a person. A person might know exactly what they want to say but will have difficulty with this because the areas of the brain which implement speech have been damaged. For instance, if the Motor cortex has suffered damage, the muscles used during speech might be paralyzed.

Another common symptom associated with dysarthria is breathlessness. This occurs frequently if the brain stem has suffered damage, as the brainstem helps to regulate breathing. Importantly, this part of the brain also helps us to make sounds, which is fundamental in the process of speaking.

Your rights after a brain injury

Dysarthria is just one of many conditions that can impact a person after a head injury. Sometimes, recovery is possible but this generally requires an extended period of rest and medical treatment.

Often, the damage to the brain can be permanent and you may need to find new ways to communicate with your loved ones. In any event, you have a right to be compensated if your injuries were caused by negligent behavior. Make sure you seek guidance to find out what your options are.