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Were You Injured In An Auto Accident?

Auto accidents can be devastating, especially when they result in injuries. An auto accident lawyer can help you seek compensation for injuries suffered in an auto accident to cover such expenses as medical bills and time off of work. If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, contact an experienced auto accident attorney to help ensure the best possible outcome.

Common Types Of Auto Accident Injuries

While motor vehicle accidents can cause many injuries, the most common fall into one of the following categories:

Head Injury

Head injuries can range from bumps and bruises to concussions and even traumatic brain injury. Damage can often occur from hitting the windshield or other objects that may become loose during impact.

Neck Injury

Whiplash and other neck injuries often occur due to the way a driver’s or passenger’s head moves when there is an impact. While safety features in many vehicles have helped to stabilize occupants’ necks in an accident, neck injuries are one of the most common and severe auto accident injuries.

Back Injury

One of the most severe injuries you can suffer in an accident is spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injuries can lead to nerve damage and even paralysis. Another common back concern with auto accidents is herniated disks.

Cuts, Abrasions And Breaks

Whether from the impact, broken glass or flying objects, cuts, abrasions and broken bones can be common injuries even in minor accidents. Depending on the location of these injuries, the damage can range from minor to severe.

Contact An Experienced Attorney

When seeking compensation for an auto injury claim, you will need an experienced attorney to help you navigate through the court system. At Foster & Mazzie LLC, our attorneys have the experience and knowledge to help you determine the best course of action, whether it is a settlement or going through a full trial process.

Contact Foster & Mazzie LLC today for your risk-free consultation at . If you are not compensated for your injury, you pay absolutely nothing. We have offices in New York and New Jersey.